Saturday, 13 April 2019

Social Media - Sharenting

Following on from my previous post about the beast of social media where I briefly mentioned my concerns as a future parent in this age. I came across an article on BBC News regarding a new term which I had not come across before now... Sharenting.

Sharenting is supposedly the act of parents sharing news and pictures of their children on social media outlets such as Instagram, Facebook and so on often to publicly viewable profiles.

Has privacy and permissions regarding personal data gone too far in this modern age when children are accusing parents of breaching their right of privacy?

From my view, this all seems crazy. I get the need for privacy online, and am I for keeping your life hidden from the public and prying eyes of unwanted parties, however is the issue about the act of Sharenting or is it more about the issue with publicly viewable profiles. I think it's the latter.

The BBC article's quotes from their sources seem to lean towards the issue being that the images are publicly viewable rather than the presence of photos being online. So, surely what needs to be done, rather than images being removed and probably court cases coming up because of all this because parents are refusing to, some education to the parents regarding data security. I am sure those in the work places have gone through some education on the whole GDPR thing and should have passed some basic tests as part of their work requirements, but should it be more universal in this day and age.

I have seen some wonderful ideas being bandied about the interwebs regarding creation of profiles for children, collation of photos on an email to have a timeline for them to take over once of a certain age and the like. All of which sound like something sweet, awesome and something I'd have loved to have for myself. However, they need to all be done in a safe and secure way.

I have mentioned in my previous posts about embarrassing baby photos shown to the spouse by my parents. Now imagine if the naked baby pictures are up for all to see... think future employers, future lovers, friends and enemies. The damage is endless if you think about it. But if this is done in a safe and secure way the damage is virtually none. Private and secure profiles only viewable by the parents until a certain age, albums of photos password protected, or set to private for no-one to see are a few ways I can think of without much research into the topic.

As with the majority of things, Sharenting can be done, can be very positive and a blessing if it is does with tack, careful planning and in a secure manner. I, for one, would be a huge advocate of this 'Sharenting' business once it is my turn to raise a mini version of myself, however I would go for a tactful approach as it would not be about boasting or promoting the children, parenting skills or what ever, it would literally be a chronicling of the early years of the child. Mainly to create lovely memories in a format which would not be lost in a fire, flood or other natural disasters.

Would be interesting to hear others voices on this supposedly divisive topic of Sharenting in this modern world. Comment away!!

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